Ian Randle Publishers
Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Caribbean Community
Kari Levitt
Business & Money
Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Caribbean Community
US$ 9.99
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For over 20 years, the developing world has been adjusting to the agendas of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the 1990s, Structural Adjustment Programmes were repackaged and marketed as the coming of the golden age of globalisation, promising benefits to countries that adopt neo-liberal policies. Whether by convention or apparent absence of viable alternatives, Caribbean governments have been quick to implement policies of deregulation, liberalisation and privatisation. In this they have been supported by their intellectuals who have been equally quick in embracing globalisation and too ready to concede the end of national sovereignty.

Kari Levitt argues that it is time to reclaim the right to development and the right of nations to engage in the international economy on their own terms. She advocates an international rule-based order which permits space for member countries to follow divergent paths to development according to their own philosophies, institutions, cultures and societal priorities.

This book represents a historic sweep of Caribbean thought and personalities over the past 30 years drawn against the background of the changes in the international political economy. Whether in her collaboration with Lloyd Best on the Plantation Economy Model, her analyses of Debt and Adjustment, or her insistence on the right of sovereign nations to pursue their own development path, Kari Levitt remains consistent in her conviction that development, whether of individuals or nations, must be rooted in time and place and cannot be imposed by external prescription.

List of Tables
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Part One - 500 Years of ‘Globalisation’: The Old and the New
‘Capitalism and Slavery’: Institutional Foundations of Caribbean Economy
The Plantation Economy Models: My Collaboration with Lloyd Best
In Search of Model IV
The Persistence of the Plantation Legacy in Contemporary Jamaica
Part Two- Post-Mortem on Debt and Adjustment
Facing Up to the IMF in Trinidad and Tobago
The Origins and Consequences of Jamaica’s Debt Crisis, 1970-1990
Debt, Adjustment and Development: A Perspective on the 1990s
The ‘Lost Decade’ of the 1980s
Part Three - The Michael Manley Legacy
Democratic Socialism in Jamaica: Manley’s Defeat –Whose Responsibility?
From Socialism to Neo-Liberalism: The Michael Manley – Kari Levitt Letters
Lessons of the Seventies for the Next Generation
Part Four - The Right to Development
The Right To Development: The W.A. Lewis Legacy
William Demas: Primus Inter Pares
Reclaiming Economics for Development
Building Bridges Across the Caribbean
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