Decentralisation in Africa
Gordon Crawford
Business & Money
Decentralisation in Africa

Grounded in empirically-based country case studies, this new study provides a sober assessment of what decentralisation can achieve. The current momentum for decentralisation of government in Africa and elsewhere in the developing world is unparalleled, but are the benefits claimed by its advocates being realised? Focusing on two claims in particular, this book questions whether decentralisation does offer a significant pathway out of poverty and conflict in Africa. Issues of poverty reduction are addressed in Uganda, Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania, while those of conflict management are explored in Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda and Rwanda.

'Decentralisation in Afrika' is een sobere beoordeling van wat decentralisatie precies kan bereiken. Decentralisatie van overheden in Afrikaanse landen en elders in de derde wereld krijgt de laatste tijd een impuls, vaak gedreven door Multilaterale en bilaterale instanties (de 'donoren'). Maar worden de voordelen hiervan wel gerealiseerd? In dit boek worden vraagtekens gezet bij de kwestie of decentralisatie wel een gunstige uitweg biedt voor de armoede en het conflict in Afrika.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Decentralisation as a Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?
2. Constraints on the Implementation of Decentralisation and Implications for Poverty Reduction - The case of Uganda
3. Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction in Malawi - A Critical Appraisal
4. Poverty and the Politics of (De)centralisation in Ghana
5. The Impact of Decentralisation on Poverty in Tanzania
6. Decentralisation and the Legacy of Protracted Conflict - Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa
7. Decentralisation and Conflict in Kibaale, Uganda
8. Decentralisation as a Stabilisig Factor in Rwanda
9. Conclusion: Decentralisation - No Shortcut to Development and Peace
About the Authors
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