Natural Sciences Grade 9-A
Natural Sciences Grade 9-A
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SB 103_Siyavula NEW Gr9A cover ENG DBE
Gr 9_A_learner_DBE_eng
Life and living
Cells as the basic units of life
Cell structure
Difference between plant and animal cells
Cells in tissues, organs and systems
Elements and compounds
The Periodic Table
Names of compounds
Systems in the human body
The digestive system
The circulatory system
The respiratory system
The musculoskeletal system
The excretory system
The nervous system
The reproductive system
Human reproduction
Purpose and puberty
Reproductive organs
Stages of reproduction
Circulatory and respiratory systems
Gaseous exchange in the lungs
Circulation and respiration
Digestive system
A healthy diet
Digestion and the alimentary canal
Matter and Materials
Chemical reactions
Thinking about chemical reactions
How do we represent chemical reactions?
Balanced equations
Reactions of metals with oxygen
The reaction of iron with oxygen
The reaction of magnesium with oxygen
The general reaction of metals with oxygen
The formation of rust
Ways to prevent rust
Reactions of non-metals with oxygen
The general reaction of non-metals with oxygen
The reaction of carbon with oxygen
The reaction of sulfur with oxygen
Other non-metal oxides
Acids, bases and the pH value
What is the pH value?
Reactions of acids with bases
Neutralisation and pH
The general reaction of an acid with a metal oxide
The general reaction of an acid with a metal hydroxide
The general reaction of an acid with a metal carbonate
Reactions of acids with metals
The reaction of an acid with a metal
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