Natural Sciences Grade 8-B
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SB 103_Siyavula NEW Gr8B cover ENG DBE
Gr 8_B_learner_DBE_eng
Energy and Change
Static electricity
Friction and static electricity
The solar system
The Sun
Objects around the Sun
Earth's position in the solar system
Energy transfer in electrical systems
Circuits and current electricity
Components of a circuit
Effects of an electric current
Series and parallel circuits
Series circuits
Parallel circuits
Other output devices
Visible light
Radiation of light
Spectrum of visible light
Opaque and transparent substances
Absorption of light
Reflection of light
How do we see light?
Refraction of light
Planet Earth and Beyond
Beyond the solar system
The Milky Way Galaxy
Our nearest star
Light years, light hours and light minutes
What is beyond the Milky Way Galaxy?
Looking into space
Early viewing of space
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