The Knight Watcher: Exile
Jennifer Shrout
Science Fiction & Fantasy
The Knight Watcher: Exile
US$ 4.99
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After apparent betrayal, Zura is sent into exile and must find a way to work with several unlikely "allies" to return to the Empire. Who is to blame? Can anyone be trusted? And who will remain standing when the dust settles?

Chapter One: Farewells
Chapter Two: Trade Failings
Chapter Three: Orders
Chapter Four: The Hunters
Chapter Five: Essence
Chapter Six: The Tundra
Chapter Seven: A Ride
Chapter Eight: Rix
Chapter Nine: A New Arm
Chapter Ten: Prison Break
Chapter Eleven: News of the Empire
Chapter Twelve: Fears Made Manifest
Chapter Thirteen: Ardonia
Chapter Fourteen: The Assault
Chapter Fifteen: Together Again
Chapter Sixteen: The Counter-Strike
Chapter Seventeen: A Familiar Loss
Chapter Eighteen: Mysticism
Chapter Nineteen: My Eternity
Chapter Twenty: The Prophets Return
Chapter Twenty-One: When Roads Diverge
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