Oxford University Press
Tom's Midnight Garden
Philippa Pearce
Tom's Midnight Garden
US$ 9.74
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When Tom is sent to stay at his aunt and uncle's house for the summer, he resigns himself to endless weeks of boredom. As he lies awake in his bed he hears the grandfather clock downstairs strike . . .eleven . . . twelve . . . thirteen . . . Thirteen! Tom races down the stairs and out the back door, into a garden everyone told him wasn't there. In this enchanted thirteenth hour, the garden comes alive - but Tom is never sure whether the children he meets there are real or ghosts . . . This entrancing and magical story is one of the best-loved children's books ever written.

I Exile
II The Clock Strikes Thirteen
III By Moonlight
IV By Daylight
V The Footprints in the Dew
VI Through a Door
VII Report to Peter
VIII The Cousins
IX Hatty
X Games and Tales
XI The River to the Sea
XII The Geese
XIII The Late Mr Bartholomew
XIV The Pursuit of Knowledge
XV The View from the Wall
XVI The Tree-House
XVII In Search of Hatty
XVIII The Bedroom with Two Barred Windows
XIX Next Saturday
XX The Angel Speaks
XXI Time and Time Again
XXII The Forgotten Promise
XXIII Skating
XXIV Brothers Meet
XXV Last Chance
XXVI The Apology
XXVII A Tale for Tom Long
About the Author
By the Same Author
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