Grasel Business Venture
What Really Sells
Emmanuel Akinboboye
Business & Money
What Really Sells
5.0 (1 review)
US$ 3.50
Not Available

Making Money has never looked easy – but brains/people skilled at earning a future do so because they know what really sells and the type of market/niche that is ready to buy.
So? If you are wondering how to make extra money or looking for products to get your business on the map – this book, WHAT REALLY SELLS – has a collection of products, skills and services that are in demand right now and will be even in a greater demand after the pandemic is over.
In this 43-page e-book, you will learn:
* 20 Skills that are being competed for in the Marketplace
* Offline Businesses to give you six figures within months
* 2 crazy selling Online Businesses
* E-commerce Business Products that are making the rounds in 2020
For FREE, you’ll get:
* 5 Self-Help Step-by-Step analyses of How to Make Millions Selling Physical Products
* 10 additional FIRE SELLING Products
* The Free guide to Branding and Packaging
* Step-by-step guide to creating websites, plugins and WordPress Ecommerce.
All these knowledge costs N50,000 to learn as at March 2020.
You are just a click away!
Name of Publisher- InspireNetwork
Name of Author – Emmanuel Akinboboye

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about 4 years ago

Simple, concise and informative.