The University of the West Indies Press
Solid Waste Management: Critical Issues for Developing Countries
Elizabeth Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope
Solid Waste Management: Critical Issues for Developing Countries
US$ 9.99
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Part 1. Solid Waste Management and the Community
1. Waste Management Problems in Developing Countries
2. The Community as a Resource for Solid Waste Management
3. Solid Waste: Its Implications for Health
4. The Pollution Potential of Waste: A Comparison of Poor and Wealthy Communities in South Africa
5. Heavy Metal Contamination of a Wetland Area in East Trinidad
6. Solid Waste Management and Environmental Education in the School Curriculum
Part 2. Case Studies of Solid Waste Management from Africa and the Caribbean
7. An Overview of Solid Waste Management in Barbados
8. Solid Waste Management: Regulations and Related Policy Issues in Jamaica
9. The Management of Solid Waste in Botswana
10. Solid Waste Management and its Environmental Impact in Kenya
Part 3. Methods and Technologies in Solid Waste Management
11. The Effect of the Method of Household Containment on Solid Waste Management
12. Options for Solid Waste Management in the Agroprocessing Industry
13. The Reception and Disposal of Ship-Borne Waste: Legal and Administrative Issues
14. The Environmental Impact of Incineration on Island Nations
15. Landfills: The New Generation
16. A Screening Process for the Evaluation of Sanitary Landfill Sites in Jamaica
Part 4. Strategies and Evaluations of Solid Waste Management
17. Landfill Siting and Design
18. Riverton City Dump: Evaluation of a Jamaican Landfill Site
19. Remedial Strategies for the Riverton City Landfill
20. An Environmentally Sustainable Waste Management Strategy for the Caribbean in Light of Canada's Experience
21. An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Solid Waste Management
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