Doing Good Or Doing Better
Monique Kremer
Politics & Social Sciences
Doing Good Or Doing Better

The world is changing, and so is the unquestioning belief that development policies are always right. Instead of focusing on the rather limited notion of poverty, this book aims to deepen our understanding of the broad issue of development. What are the drivers of development? What new issues have arisen due to globalization? And what kind of policies contribute to development in a world that is changing rapidly? The articles in this book provide insight into the muddled trajectories of development on various continents and rethink the notion of development in a globalizing, interdependent world. Taken together, the still fuzzy contours of a paradigm shift emerge from the 'Washington Confusion'. Development can no longer be the ambitious, moral project based on a standard model of economic European or American modernization. 'Doing better' means being less moralistic, more modest and pragmatic, and taking seriously the path dependencies and social realities that exist in each country.

'Goed doen' kan een stuk beter volgens de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Niet armoedebestrijding maar ontwikkeling zou de doelstelling moeten zijn van ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het 'beter doen' betekent bovendien minder moraliseren, bescheidener en pragmatischer interveniC+ren, minder voorschrijven hoe het moet en maatwerk leveren. Landen moeten hun eigen ontwikkelingspad volgen, niet het onze. Deze verkenning is de opmaat voor een rapport over de toekomst van ontwikkelingssamenwerking dat in het najaar verschijnt.

about the authors
1 towards development policies based onlesson learning: an introduction
1.1 paradigm shifts
1.2 globalization
1.3 at the beginning of the 21st century: elements fordevelopment policies based on lesson learning
2 twenty-first century globalization,paradigm shifts in development
2.1 twenty-first century globalization
2.2 turning points
2.3 new development era
2.4 international development cooperation
3 does foreign aid work?
3.1 introduction
3.2 what aid are we talking about?
3.3 challenges in trying to assess the impact of aid
3.4 does aid work? the evidence
3.5 constraining aid’s greater impact and how theseconstraints might be addressed
3.6 concluding comments: aid and the wider perspective
4 under-explored treasure troves ofdevelopment lessons: lessons from thehistories of small rich european countries
4.1 introduction: lessons from history, or rather the‘secret history’
4.2 agriculture
4.3 industrial development
4.4 corporate governance and the concentration ofeconomic power
4.5 social and political factors
4.6 concluding remarks
5 stagnation in africa: disentanglingfigures, facts and fiction
5.1 stagnation in sub-saharan africa
5.2 the low social development cause
5.3 the not-a-nation-state cause
5.4 the dependence on raw material exports cause
5.5 the greedy politicians cause
5.6 the weak states and weak policies cause
5.7 the washington consensus cause
5.8 other traps and curses
5.9 conclusions and consequences
6 including the middle classes?latin american social policies after thewashington consensus
6.1 the isi period and the origins of social policy regimes
6.2 the debt crisis and the washington consensus
6.3 neoliberalism and its failures
6.4 turn to the left and basic universalism?
6.5 the role of the middle classes
6.6 lessons for development policy and external support
7 imaginary institutions: state-building inafghanistan
7.1 the afghan state and the dynamics that affect it
7.2 the nature of the state-building effort inafghanistan
7.3 how the ‘international community’ responds
7.4 some concluding remarks
8 beyond development orthodoxy:chinese lessons in pragmatism andinstitutional change
8.1 buried under development?
8.2 on land and institutions
8.3 chinese pragmatism: colored cats or the demise ofideology?
8.4 implications of chinese development: someconcluding observations
9 business and sustainable development:from passive involvement to activepartnerships
9.1 introduction: from uniform to pluriformdevelopment thinking
9.2 from a traditional to a new development paradigm
9.3 from macro to micro: the role of multinationals insustainable development
9.4 from general to specific: strategic management ofcorporations and poverty alleviation
9.5 from passive to active: the search for partnerships
9.6 conclusion: the challenges ahead
10 why ‘philanthrocapitalism’ is notthe answer: private initiatives andinternational development
10.1 private initiatives – what kind and how much?
10.2 ngo initiatives
10.3 institutional philanthropy
10.4 common problems: impact and accountability
10.5 conclusions and implications for development policy
11 the trouble with participation:assessing the new aid paradigm
11.1 participation: on the main menu or just a side dish?
11.2 what the new aid approach sets out to do: somebackground on the failure of aid
11.3 flawed results
11.4 an overly optimistic notion of civil society
11.5 a biased vision on state-society interactions
11.6 a conditionality without ownership
11.7 when less is more
12 how can sub-saharan africa turn thechina-india threat into an opportunity?
12.1 introduction1
12.2 development trajectories for sub-saharan africa –three orthodoxies
12.3 the rise of the asian driver economies and theirchallenge to the three orthodoxies
12.4 the asian drivers and sub-saharan africa –win-win or win-lose?
12.5 the policy response
12.6 policy actors
13 post-war peace-building: what role forinternational organizations?
13.1 introduction
13.2 recipes for peace?
13.3 international capacity and coordination
13.4 local capacity and international footprint
13.5 conclusion
14 migration and development: contestedconsequences
14.1 background
14.2 conceptual issues
14.3 patterns of migration
14.4 approaches to migration and development
14.5 conclusion
15 global justice and the state
15.1 the rise of the concern for global justice
15.2 the birth of the notion of distributive justice
15.3 balancing our loyalties. on the extension of justiceinto the international realm
15.4 it’s not ‘what can you do?’ but ‘what can yourinstitutions do?’
15.5 from cosmopolitanism back to the state: rawls andthe law of peoples
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