Open Advice. FOSS; What We Wish We Had Known When We Started
Lydia Pintscher
Computers & Technology
Open Advice. FOSS; What We Wish We Had Known When We Started

Free Software projects are changing the software landscape in impressive ways with dedicated users and innovative management. Each person contributes something to the movement in their own way and to their abilities and knowledge. This personal commitment and the power of collaboration over the internet is what makes Free Software great and what brought the authors of this book together.

This book is the answer to "What would you have liked to know when you started contributing?". The authors give insights into the many different talents it takes to make a successful software project, coding of course but also design, translation, marketing and other skills. We are here to give you a head start if you are new. And if you have been contributing for a while already, we are here to give you some insight into other areas and projects.

Print available via the book's website. Also available in French.

Part IIdeas and Innovation
Part IIResearch
Part IIIMentoring and Recruiting
Part IVInfrastructure
Part VCode
Part VIQuality Assurance
Part VIIDocumentation and Support
Part VIIITranslation
Part IXUsability
Part XArtwork and Design
Part XICommunity Management
Part XIIPackaging
Part XIIIPromotion
Part XIVConferences and Sprints
Part XVBusiness
Part XVILegal and Policy
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