Ian Randle Publishers
Caribbean Reasonings : Rupert Lewis and the Black Intellectual Tradition
Edited by Clinton A. Hutton, Maziki Thame, Jermaine McCalpin
Biographies & Memoirs
Caribbean Reasonings : Rupert Lewis and the Black Intellectual Tradition
US$ 9.99
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Caribbean Reasonings: Rupert Lewis and the Black Intellectual Tradition recounts the work of a renowned scholar and activist who has made an indelible mark on Caribbean life. Through a collection of academic papers and personal reflections, primarily proceeding from a 2013 conference, some of the leading contemporary political minds in the Caribbean have converged in this volume to put forward a collection of essays that detail Rupert Lewis’s impact on issues such as black nationalism and identity, social and racial equality, and Caribbean and human liberation.
The volume boldly highlights Lewis’s earnest study of the political teachings of Marcus Garvey, Walter Rodney and the African-Caribbean experience, to promote understanding the realities of blackness and to chart a course forward for African people throughout the diaspora. It also expertly details his contribution to the discourse on the Grenada Revolution, Caribbean sovereignty, globalisation, capitalism, radicalism in art and the media, and black feminism in political activism.
In a career spanning decades, Rupert Lewis has amassed a legacy which details his rise from a student activist at the UWI to a stalwart of Caribbean political thought who has guided the Department of Government at Mona, the Institute of Jamaica and its African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica as well as institutionalising Liberty Hall and the Museum of Marcus Garvey among other contributions.

Maziki Thame
Acronyms and Abbreviations
1. UWI Mona and the Government of Jamaica, 1967–69
Ken Post
2. Jamaican Black Power in the 1960s
Rupert Lewis
3. Reflections on the Caribbean Radical Tradition
A Conversation with Professor Rupert Lewis*
Rupert Lewis interviewed by Jermaine McCalpin
4. Radical Caribbean Thought:
Rupert Lewis and the Politics of an ‘Internal Dread’
Anthony Bogues
5. Edward Seaga and the Question of Levelling:
Seeing Manley from the Other Side
F.S.J. Ledgister
6. Characteristics of the Grenadian Revolution and the Caribbean Situation
Maurice Bishop interviewed by Rupert Lewis
7. Blowing the Abeng:
Rupert Lewis and the Rebuilding of Caribbean Socialism
Paget Henry
8. Echoes of the Bandung Movement in the Caribbean and China’s Presence in the Region Today*
Rupert Lewis
9. Quobna Ottobah Cugoano: Black Radical Heretic or Black Radical Liberal?
Charles W. Mills
10. Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the Haitian Revolution:
Global Agency of Universal Modernity
Clinton A. Hutton
11. The Sett Girls and the Pedagogy of the Streets:
An Aural Black Counterpublic*
Linda Sturtz
12. ‘Sankofa’:
Garvey’s Pan Africanism, Negritude, and Decolonising Narratives
Mawuena Logan
13. Arthur Lewis: Mild Afro-Saxon or Militant Anti-Racist?
Lessons from His Struggles and His Disparagement by Other Black Power Advocates
Mark Figueroa
14. Memory Gems of Revolution:
The Lived Experiences of Elean Rosalyn Thomas
Linnette Vassell
15. Pedagogy and Leroy Clarke’s Philosophy of Being, Freedom and Sovereignty
Clinton A. Hutton
16. The Radical Aesthetic of Sistren Theatre Collective, Jamaica*
Nicosia Shakes
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