Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice
Digital Education Strategies
Business & Money
Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice
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The Challenge of Accessibility When Tim Berners-Lee created the Web, he had some very specific goals in mind. Certainly, creating a technology that allowed the sharing of information was a main part of that goal, but an interesting piece of Berners-Lee’s vision has always had to do with the human side of the Web. After all, it’s not machines that use the Web, but people. Accessibility has become a hot topic in web design, despite the fact that it has always been a part of the original vision. In a broad sense, accessibility simply means ensuring that a given page on the Web is able to be accessed. Accessibility is not about disability; rather, it’s about people getting to the shared information that the vision of the Web has made manifest. There has also been a lot said about how accessibility relates to web standards and vice versa. Realistically, accessibility relies on aspects of related web standards, but has in fact become a science, art, and practice of its own. It’s a deep specialty, and one that is highly problematic, as what might make a page accessible to one person could conceivably render it inaccessible to another.

Title Page
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 1: Getting Started
This Book Will Be Helpful to...
Getting the Most Out of this Book
Final Project
Ebook Accessibility
Chapter 2: Understanding the Big Picture
Chapter 2: Understanding the Big Picture
Objectives and Activities
The Sharp Clothing Company
The Business Case for Accessibility
AODA Background
Types of Disabilities and Associated Barriers
North American Digital Accessibility Laws and Regulations
Challenge Test 1
International Digital Accessibility Regulations
Activity: One-Minute Elevator Pitch
Chapter 2 Takeaways
Chapter 3: The Committee and the Champion
Chapter 3: The Committee and the Champion
Objectives and Activities
Identifying Key Areas and People
Establishing an Accessibility Committee
Challenge Test 2
Characteristics of a Digital Accessibility Champion
Activity: To Be or Not to Be the Accessibility Champion
Chapter 3 Takeaways
Chapter 4: Creating Digital Accessibility Culture
Chapter 4: Creating Digital Accessibility Culture
Objectives and Activities
Assessing an Organization's Current Digital Accessibility Status
Planning Possible Solutions
Developing a Company-Wide Strategy
Workshops and Training Opportunities
Challenge Test 3
Accessibility Workshop Resources
Developing Organization Accessibility Guidelines
Monitoring Adherence to Guidelines
Challenge Test 4
Other Digital Accessibility Considerations
Managing the Impact of Change
Managing Change: Kotter’s Model
Challenge Test 5
Managing Change: Lewin’s Model
Activity: Responding to Resistance
Chapter 4 Takeaways
Chapter 5: Procurement and Accessibility Policy
Chapter 5: Procurement and Accessibility Policy
Objectives and Activities
Digital Accessibility Policy
Procurement as Part of Digital Accessibility Policy
Procuring Accessible Information Technology
Creating an Accessibility Statement
Challenge Test 6
Stating Accessibility Requirements
Assessing Vendor Knowledge of Accessibility
Challenge Test 7
Accessibility Questions During Product Demonstrations
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
Getting a Second Opinion
Contract for Accessibility
Working with Vendors
Activity: Critique Accessibility Claims
Chapter 5 Takeaways
Chapter 6: Hiring Accessibility Staff
Chapter 6: Hiring Accessibility Staff
Objectives and Activities
Hiring Knowledgable Staff
Hiring People with Disabilities
Accessible Web Developers
Web/IT Accessibility Specialist
Challenge Test 8
Accessibility Interview Questions
Activity: Find an IT Accessibility Professional Job Description
Chapter 6 Takeaways
Final Project
Book Recap
About the Author
Answer Key: Challenge Tests
Answer Key: Final Project
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