Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 2: Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-1945
Sally Waller, Robert Whitfield
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 2: Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-1945
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Retaining well-loved features from the previous editions, Democracy and Nazism has been approved by AQA and matched to the 2015 specification. This textbook covers AS and A Level content together and explores in depth a period of German history during which a newly developed democratic form of government gave way to a dictatorial Nazi regime. It focuses on key ideas such as nationalism, radicalism, anti-Semitism and Social Darwinism, and covers events and developments with precision. Students can further develop vital skills such as historical interpretations and source analyses via specially selected sources and extracts. Practice questions and study tips provide additional support to help familiarize students with the new exam style questions, and help them achieve their best in the exam.

Introduction to features
AQA History specification overview
Introduction to the Oxford AQA History series
Introduction to this book
SECTION 1 The establishment and early years of the Weimar Republic, 1918–24
1 Impact of war, the political crises of October to November 1918, and the establishment of the Weimar Constitution
The abdication of the Kaiser
The establishment of the Weimar Constitution in 1919
5 Economic developments
The stabilisation of the currency
The reparations issue and the Dawes Plan
The extent of economic recovery
The reparations issue and the Young Plan
9 The impact of the Depression of 1929
The economic impact
The social impact
The political impact
2 The Impact of the Versailles Settlement on Germany
The Peace Settlement of Versailles, 1919
The political impact of the Versailles Treaty in Germany
3 Economic and social problems in Germany, 1919–24
Financial problems in the aftermath of the war
The impact of reparations
The hyperinflation crisis of 1923
Social welfare
4 Political instability and extremism, 1919–24
The problems of coalition government
The growth of political extremism
The establishment of the Nazi Party and the Beer Hall Putsch
Summary: The state of the Republic by 1924
SECTION 2 The ‘Golden Age’ of the Weimar Republic, 1924–28
6 Social and cultural developments in Germany, 1924–28
Social welfare reform
Living standards and lifestyles
The development of arts and culture in the Weimar Republic
7 Political developments and the working of democracy, 1924–28
Reichstag elections and coalition governments
The development of political parties
The election of Hindenburg as President in 1925
Attitudes to the Republic from the elites and other social groups
Summary: The extent of political stability by 1928
8 Germany’s international position, 1924–28
Gustav Stresemann and the policy of fulfilment
The Locarno Pact, 1925
Relations with the USSR
The extent of disarmament
The end of allied occupation
SECTION 3 The collapse of democracy, 1928–33
10 The appeal of Nazism and communism
Electoral support for Nazism and communism up to June 1932
The appeal of Nazism
The appeal of communism
11 The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor
The appointment of Hitler
The political and economic crisis
The role of ‘backstairs intrigue’
12 The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship, January–March 1933
The Hitler cabinet
Nazi use of terror
The use of legal power
The end of democracy
Summary: The state of Germany in March 1933
SECTION 4 The Nazi Dictatorship, 1933–39
13 Hitler’s consolidation of power, March 1933 to August 1934
Government and administrative changes
The Night of the Long Knives
The impact of President Hindenburg’s death, August 1934
17 The radicalisation of the State
The radicalisation of the State
Nazi racial ideology
Policies towards the mentally ill and physically disabled
Nazi policies towards asocials and homosexuals
Policies towards religious sects
Policies towards the Roma and the Sinti
21 The impact of war on German society
The impact of rationing
The impact of propaganda and indoctrination on morale
The changing impact of the war on German society
14 The ‘Terror State’
The Nazis and the law
The police system in the Third Reich
The courts and the justice system
The extent and effectiveness of opposition and non-conformity
The use of propaganda
The effectiveness of propaganda
The extent of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany
15 Economic policies
Nazi economic policies
The roles of Schacht and Goering in the implementation of Nazi policies
Nazi policy towards management and the industrial elites
The degree of economic recovery achieved by 1939
16 Social policies
Nazi policies towards young people
Nazi policies towards women
Nazi policies towards workers
Nazi policies towards the Churches
Summary: the benefits and drawbacks of Nazi rule
SECTION 5 The Racial State, 1933–41
18 Nazi policies towards the Jews, 1933–37
The boycott of Jewish shops
The Civil Service Laws in 1933
Further anti-Semitic legislation in 1933
The Nuremberg Laws, 1935
19 The development of anti-Semitic policies, 1938–40
The effect of the Anschluss with Austria, March 1938
Reichkristallnacht, 9–10 November 1938
The impact of the war against Poland
The Madagascar Plan
20 Policies towards the Jews, 1940–41
The spreading war and the development of anti-Semitic policy
Deportations and ghettoisation
The Einsatzgruppen (‘Special Groups‘)
SECTION 6 The impact of war, 1939–45
22 The wartime economy and the work of Speer
The mobilisation of the German economy for war
The work of Albert Speer
The economic impact of Allied bombing
Mobilisation of the labour force
The use of foreign labour
23 The ‘Final Solution’
The origins of the ‘Final Solution’
The Wannsee Conference, January 1942
The ‘Final Solution’
Responsibility for the Holocaust
24 Opposition and resistance in wartime
Opposition from young people
Opposition from the Churches
Communist opposition
Army and civilian critics among the elites
Conclusion: An overview of the Nazi state by 1945
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