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Oxford Literature Companions: Como agua para chocolate
Margaret Bond, Lorenzo Moya Morallón
Oxford Literature Companions: Como agua para chocolate
AQA English Language and Literature: A Level and AS
Ruth Doyle, Angela Goddard, Raj Rana, Mario Saraceni
AQA English Language and Literature: A Level and AS
Oxford Literature Companions: Animal Farm
Carmel Waldron, Peter Buckroyd
Oxford Literature Companions: Animal Farm
English Literature for the IB Diploma
Carolyn P. Henly, Nic Amy, Angela Stancar Johnson, Kathleen Clare Waller
English Literature for the IB Diploma
English Literature for the IB Diploma: Prepare for Success
Carolyn P. Henly, Erik Brandt, Lynn Krumvieda
English Literature for the IB Diploma: Prepare for Success
Caribbean Writers on Teaching Literature
Lorna Down, Thelma Baker
Caribbean Writers on Teaching Literature
Oxford Literature Companions: La casa de Bernarda Alba
Margaret Bond, Lorenzo Moya Morallón
Oxford Literature Companions: La casa de Bernarda Alba
Oxford Literature Companions: DNA
Su Fielder, Peter Buckroyd
Oxford Literature Companions: DNA
Oxford Literature Companions: Romeo and Juliet
Annie Fox, Peter Buckroyd
Oxford Literature Companions: Romeo and Juliet
Oxford Literature Companions: Lord of the Flies
Alison Smith, Peter Buckroyd
Oxford Literature Companions: Lord of the Flies