Hodder Education
Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills for PEP Maths Grade 6: NSC Edition
Paul Broadbent
Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills for PEP Maths Grade 6: NSC Edition
US$ 8.99
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Integrate problem solving and reasoning skills through everyday scenarios and strategies such as identifying patterns, comparing and contrasting, as well as hypothesizing to develop a solution-oriented approach to Maths.
- Provides scenarios and activities to develop each strand of the Grade 6 National Standard Curriculum for Maths
- Offers both teacher and parent support to assist introduction and exploration of each activity, including objectives and the problem solving and reasoning skills being developed
- Supports mixed abilities classroom with differentiated activities and a mastery approach
- Develops 21st century skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking through engaging activities

Book title
How to use this book
1 Number and place value
2 Decimal calculation
3 Formulae and equations
4 Calculation problems
5 Algebra
6 Number problems
7 Multiplication
8 Area and perimeter
9 Three-dimensional shapes
10 Data
11 Mental calculation
12 Multiples, factors and primes
13 Fractions
14 Fractions, decimals, percentages
15 Percentages
16 Ratio and proportion
17 Area of shapes
18 Volume
19 Coordinates and transformations
20 Number sequences
21 Finding all possibilities
22 Exploring shapes
23 Money problems
24 Scaling and ratio
25 Division problems
26 Circles and shapes
27 Angles
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