Macmillan Education
Bright Sparks Level 2 Student's Book
Laurie Sealy
Bright Sparks Level 2 Student's Book
US$ 12.60
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Bright Sparks is a Mathematics course for pupils in Caribbean primary schools. It has been written in line with the latest primary curriculum requirements and is based on current research in Mathematics education.Young children learn Mathematics best when they use their senses in varied activities, experimenting and discovering. The Bright Sparks series is intended to supplement and reinforce the learning first gained through practical activities.Key features include:• Examples and word problems suited to the age level• Challenge boxes push students’ learning and are ideal for quick learners• Remember boxes highlight important facts or skills• Hint or Think boxes stimulate thinking and develop reasoning• Partner activities encourage students to learn with and from their peers• Discuss encourages students to explain their thinking and strategies• Review provides reminders and practice for all learners• Mathematical language boxes develop mathematical vocabulary• IT icons show where IT support can be found on the interactive CD-ROMs, and for calculator practice• Enrichment pages move beyond the syllabus and make connections to familiar, real-life situations• Unit Summaries highlight the key learning points in each section• Unit Checks test students’ learning of each topic• Assessments are provided in a variety of different formsPlease note that this is an eBook version of this title and can NOT be printed. For more information about eBooks, including how to download the software you’ll need, see our FAQs page.

Scope and sequence
How to use Bright Sparks – for students
Introduction – for teachers
How to use this CD-ROM
Unit 1: Review
1.1 Sets
1.2 Smaller, larger and equal sets
1.3 Number words – up to ten
1.4 Sets with more than 10 objects
1.5 Counting up to 20
1.6 Odd and even numbers
1.7 Missing odd and even numbers
1.8 Odd and even number patterns
1.9 Simple addition
1.10 Adding by row and by column
1.11 Addition skills
Unit 1 Check and summary
Unit 2: Number and operations I
2.1 Number bonds 11–12
2.2 Number bonds 13–14
2.3 Number bonds 15–16
2.4 Number bonds 17–20
2.5 Adding up to 20 on a number line
2.6 Practice – adding to 20
2.7 Addition word questions
2.8 Adding three numbers
2.9 Using a calculator
Unit 2 Check and summary
Unit 3: Number and operations II
3.1 Subtraction review
3.2 Fact families
3.3 Subtraction skills
3.4 Subtracting from 11–20
3.5 Subtraction word questions
3.6 Review: number words 10–20
3.7 Number words – up to 100
3.8 Matching number words
3.9 Numerals and number words
3.10 Place value – tens and ones
3.11 How many tens or ones?
3.12 Place value practice
3.13 Value
3.14 Expanded tens and ones
Unit 3 Check and summary
Unit 4: Patterns and sequences
4.1 Number patterns: tens and ones
4.2 More number patterns
4.3 Ordering: less than and more than
4.4 Equal to
4.5 Ordering numbers from smallest to biggest
4.6 Ordering numbers, largest first
Revision 1
Unit 5: Number and operations III
5.1 Adding 2-digit numbers
5.2 Adding tens and ones
5.3 Practice – adding tens and ones
5.4 Adding with regrouping
5.5 Practice – adding with regrouping
5.6 Word problems
5.7 Subtracting 2-digit numbers
5.8 Subtracting 2-digit numbers – more practice
5.9 Word problems
5.10 Exchanging tens for ones
5.11 Exchanging tens for ones – more practice
5.12 Subtracting: exchanging tens
5.13 Word problems
Unit 5 Check and summary
Unit 6: Number and operations IV
6.1 Multiplication – counting in 2s
6.2 Multiplication as repeated addition
6.3 Multiplication as repeated addition – more practice
6.4 Multiplying by 2
6.5 Practice
6.6 Counting in 3s
6.7 Multiplying by 3
6.8 Multiplying by 3 – more practice
6.9 Multiplying by 3 – further practice
6.10 Counting in 5s
6.11 Multiplying by 5
6.12 Multiplying by 5 – more practice
6.13 Counting in 10s
6.14 Division: sharing
6.15 Division: grouping in 2s, 3s, 4s
6.16 Division: more grouping in 2s, 3s, 5s
6.17 Dividing by 2
Unit 6 Check and summary
Revision 2
Unit 7: Geometry
7.1 Plane shapes (2D)
7.2 Identifying plane shapes
7.3 Patterns with plane shapes
7.4 Solid (3D) shapes
7.5 Matching solid (3D) shapes
7.6 Comparing plane and solid shapes
7.7 Faces on solid shapes
7.8 Symmetry
7.9 Lines of symmetry
Unit 7 Check and summary
Unit 8: Fractions
8.1 Half of a whole or a set
8.2 Recognising one half
8.3 Thirds
8.4 Recognising thirds
8.5 Fourths or quarters
8.6 Fourths or quarters – more practice
8.7 Writing the fraction
8.8 Fifths, sixths and tenths
8.9 Combining and comparing fractions (Enrichment)
Unit 8 Check and summary
Unit 9: Money
9.1 Adding coins
9.2 Choosing coins for a total
9.3 Adding $1, $5 and $10
9.4 Ten and twenty dollar notes (Enrichment)
9.5 Shopping activities – total cost
9.6 Adding more coins
9.7 Making change
9.8 Making change with coins
9.9 Making change with dollars (Enrichment)
9.10 Shopping – totals
Unit 9 Check and summary
Unit 10: Measurement I
10.1 Time – on the hour
10.2 Different clocks
10.3 Half past the hour
10.4 Quarter past the hour
10.5 Quarter to the hour
10.6 Write the time
10.7 Show the time
10.8 Taking time
10.9 Elapsed time
10.10 Days of the week
10.11 Reading a calendar
10.12 Months of the year
Unit 10 Check and summary
Unit 11: Measurement II
11.1 Measuring with non-standard units
11.2 Estimating and measuring
11.3 Measuring using metres
11.4 Estimating and measuring using metres
11.5 Measuring with centimetres
11.6 Mass: heavier or lighter?
11.7 Estimating mass
11.8 Weighing in kilograms
11.9 Capacity
11.10 Capacity – more practice
11.11 Temperature
11.12 Describing temperature
11.13 Area
Unit 11 Check and summary
Unit 12: Statistics
12.1 A pictograph
12.2 Making a simple block graph
12.3 Understanding a pictograph
12.4 Reading tally marks and making a table
12.5 Making a graph
12.6 Bar graph (Enrichment)
Revision 3
Self-check progress graph
Resources: clock and grid
Game: Race home
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