Ian Randle Publishers
Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality
Kamala Kempadoo and Halimah A. F. DeShong
Politics & Social Sciences
Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality
US$ 30.00
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Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality is an inspiring volume. Kempadoo and DeShong have curated half a century of Caribbean feminist-led research to demonstrate the sheer ingenuity of the feminist vanguard that successfully established gender and women’s studies across the Caribbean. The result is a radical, post-colonial intellectual flourishing of methodological innovation, grounded as much in the cultural life and work of women’s movements as in The University of the West Indies. The editors treat methodology as political-intellectual praxis, making it essential reading for all those engaged in anti-colonial, counter-hegemonic or feminist work. Addressing textual, visual and bodily literacies across diverse territories, the volume as a whole reflects ongoing struggles taking place in cultural, scholarly and political movements all over the Global South, as well as the move to trans-disciplinary and multi-method studies of femininity and of masculinity. Beginning with the women’s studies of the 1970s, readers are led into rich tapestry of contemporary experimentations that mark the maturation of a powerful field that is able to both produce and interrogate the historical and cultural distinctiveness of the Caribbean region. An enviable accomplishment!

Amina Mama
Kwame Nkrumah Chair
Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana

This wonderful collection is a landmark in Caribbean feminist thought and studies of Caribbean social science methodology, and will be known as one of the most important texts in both fields for a generation.

Aaron Kamugisha
Professor of Cultural Studies
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill

Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality is a welcome text for graduate teaching in a range of fields. This much-needed text already has a place in my Black Feminist Theories classes and will definitely be usable in a range of related research practices and studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Carole Boyce Davies
Professor of Africana Studies and Literatures in English
Cornell University

List of Figures
List of Tables
History and Historiography
Recollections into a Journey of a RebelPast*
Gender and Memory: Oral History andWomen’s History*
Women and Gender in Caribbean(English-speaking) Historiography:Sources and Methods*
Methodologies for Feminist Organizinga nd Action Research
Feminist Action andResearch in Haiti*
Feminist Research and ActionMethodology: The Experiences of theCaribbean Association of FeministResearch and Action*
Red Thread’s Research: An Interviewwith Andaiye*
A Method of Decolonial Arts Practice*
Researching Gender
Women in the Caribbean Project:An Overview*
Learning to be a Man*
Gender Studies in Cuba:Methodological Approaches,1974–2001*
Feminist and Quantitative:Measuring the Extent of DomesticViolence in Georgetown, Guyana*
Interdisciplinary Feminist Research,Environment, and Community: TheNariva Swamp Case Study
Sexualities Research
No Tide, No Tamara/Not Today,Not Tomorrow*
Embodied Theories: Local Knowledge(s), Community Organizing,and Feminist Methodologies in Caribbean Sexuality Studies*
Researching Caribbean Sexual Labour
Caribbean Sexualities and EthnographicResearch Methods
Subjective Mapping: A Brief Introduction
Researching theVisual and Cultural
Defining Women Subjects: Photographsin Trinidad (1860s–1960s)*
Feminist Witnessing: Creating VisualMedia through Ethnographic Research
Decoding the Image as Method forResearching Culture
Methods for Analysing Talk and Text
Reconceptualizing Voice: The Role ofMatrifocality in Shaping Theories andCaribbean Voices*
Studying Religious Mobilizations inthe Anglophone Caribbean: A FeministCritical Reading of Discourse1
Caribbean/Anticolonial FeministMethods for Analysing Talk and Text inResearch on Gender-Based Violence
Reflections onPositionality:Lessons fromthe Field
Toward a Native Anthropology:Methodological Notes on the Study ofSuccessful Caribbean Women by anInsider*
Anthropological Research Methodsfor the Study of Black Women in theCaribbean*
Downtown Ladies: InformalCommercial Importers, a HaitianAnthropologist, and Self-making inJamaica*
“Insider” Experiences andEthnographic Knowledge: Reflectionsfrom Trinidad and Tobago*
‘You is One of We’: Positionality in theField
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