Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Power and the People c1170-Present Day Student Book Second Edition ebook
Aaron Wilkes, Lindsay Bruce
Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Power and the People c1170-Present Day Student Book Second Edition ebook
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This Second Edition of Britain: Power and the People c1170-Present Day Student Book is part of the Oxford AQA GCSE 9-1 History series. Updated as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories and to reflect the world around us, this textbook covers exactly what your students require to succeed in the AQA exams.

Developed by an expert team led by an experienced head of history and an author with senior examining experience, this revised textbook covers the relationship between the citizen and the state in Britain, and how ideas, events and developments in the wider world affected Britain and the British people. It follows the journey from feudalism and serfdom to democracy and equality, revealing how the state responded to challenges to its authority and their impact.
Carefully selected Sources allow students the opportunity to analyse and evaluate primary sources in context. Practice Questions and Study Tips help students prepare for the new AQA exam questions, and features such as Extension, Over to you and How to provide step-by-step explanations of how to put into practice essential history skills such as analysing sources or essay writing.
Perfect for use alongside the Revision Guide or with Kerboodle.

Introduction to the Oxford AQA GCSE History series
Part one: Challenging authority and feudalism
Chapter 1: Constraints on kingship
1.1 What did people want from the Medieval King John?
1.2 What was Magna Carta?
1.3 The impact of Magna Carta
Chapter 4: Popular uprisings against the Crown
4.1 How did Henry change the Church?
4.2 The Pilgrimage of Grace
4.3 Impact of the rebellion
Chapter 7: The extension of the franchise
7.1A Give us the vote!
7.1B Give us the vote!
7.2A What was the impact of Chartism?
7.2B What was the impact of Chartism?
Chapter 10: Women's rights and the campaign for the vote
10.1 Where was a woman's place?
10.2A What was the impact of the campaign for women's suffrage?
10.2B What was the impact of the campaign for women's suffrage?
Chapter 2: The origins of parliament
2.1 Simon de Montfort and King Henry III
2.2 The Provisions of Oxford and the Second Barons' War
2.3 The king and a new parliament
Chapter 3: Medieval revolt and royal authority
3.1 Were rats to blame for the Peasants' Revolt?
3.2 The Peasants' Revolt of 1381
3.3 The impact of the Peasants' Revolt
Part two: Challenging royal authority
Chapter 5: Divine right and parliamentary authority
5.1A The causes of the English Revolution
5.1B The causes of the English Revolution
5.2 The English Civil War and the role of the New Model Army
5.3 Were the English right to kill their king?
5.4 How should Cromwell be remembered?
Chapter 6: Royal authority and the right to representation
6.1A What was the impact of the American Revolution?
6.1B What was the impact of the American Revolution?
Part three: Reform and reformers
Chapter 8: Protest and change
8.1 The Anti-Corn Law League
8.2A What was the impact of the anti-slavery movement?
8.2B What was the impact of the anti-slavery movement?
8.3A Factory and social reform
8.3B Factory and social reform
Chapter 9: Workers' movements
9.1 The development of trade unionism: a new workers'paradise?
9.2 The Tolpuddle Martyrs
9.3 New Unionism: how successful were workingclass unions?
Part four: Equality and rights
Chapter 11: The impact of war and technology on surgery
11.1A The General Strike, 1926
11.1B The General Strike, 1926
11.2 Trade union reform
Chapter 12: Modern public health
12.1 Was the 'mother country' a good mum?
12.2 Did the government make life worse for immigrants?
12.3 Protest, riots and reform: how did the people react?
How to… analyse significance
How to… analyse sources
How to… compare similarities
How to… evaluate main factors
Practice Questions for Power and the People
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