Oxford University Press
Exam Success in Economics for Cambridge IGCSE & O Level
Terry Cook
Exam Success in Economics for Cambridge IGCSE & O Level
US$ 23.99
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Focused on grade improvement, this Exam Success Guide brings much-needed clarity to exam preparation, equipping students to achieve their best in their IGCSE & O Level exams (0455/2281), and beyond. This guide allows students to recap and review key course content, apply their knowledge, and hone exam techniques. It also includes examiner tips, 'Raise your grade' advice and exam-style practice to ensure your students are exam-ready. Perfect for use alongside Oxford's IGCSE & O Level Economics Student Books or as a standalone resource for independent revision.

1 The basic economic problem: economic goods, choice and the allocation of resources
1.1 The nature of the economic problem
1.2 The factors of production
1.3 Opportunity cost
1.4 Production possibility curves
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2 The allocation of resources
2.1 Microeconomics and macroeconomics
2.2 The role of markets in allocating resources
2.3 Demand
2.4 Supply
2.5 Price determination
2.6 Price changes
2.7 Price elasticity of demand
2.8 Price elasticity of supply
2.9 Market economic systems
2.10 Market failure
2.11 Mixed economic systems
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3 Microeconomic decision makers
3.1 Money and banking
3.2 Households
3.3 Workers
3.4 Trade unions
3.5 Firms
3.6 Firms and production
3.7 Firms’ costs, revenue and objectives
3.8 Market structure
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4 Government and the macroeconomy
4.1 The role of government
4.2 The macroeconomic aims of government
4.3 Fiscal policy
4.4 Monetary policy
4.5 Supply-side policy
4.6 Economic growth
4.7 Employment and unemployment
4.8 Inflation and deflation
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5 Economic development
5.1 Living standards
5.2 Poverty
5.3 Population
5.4 Differences in economic development between countries
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6 International trade and globalisation
6.1 National specialisation
6.2 Globalisation, free trade and protection
6.3 Foreign exchange rates
6.4 Current account of balance of payments
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