Six Steps to Job Search Success V1.0
Megan Delph
Business & Money
Six Steps to Job Search Success V1.0
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Chapter 1: Introductory Finance Issues: Current Patterns, Past History, and International Institutions
1.1 The International Economy and International Economics
1.2 GDP Unemployment, Inflation, and Government Budget Balances
1.3 Exchange Rate Regimes, Trade Balances, and Investment Positions
1.4 Business Cycles: Economic Ups and Downs
1.5 International Macroeconomic Institutions: The IMF and the World Bank
Chapter 2: National Income and the Balance of Payments Accounts
2.1 National Income and Product Accounts
2.2 National Income or Product Identity
2.3 U.S. National Income Statistics (2007–2008)
2.4 Balance of Payments Accounts: Definitions
2.5 Recording Transactions on the Balance of Payments
2.6 U.S. Balance of Payments Statistics (2008)
2.7 The Twin-Deficit Identity
2.8 International Investment Position
Chapter 3: The Whole Truth about Trade Imbalances
3.1 Overview of Trade Imbalances
3.2 Trade Imbalances and Jobs
3.3 The National Welfare Effects of Trade Imbalances
3.4 Some Further Complications
3.5 How to Evaluate Trade Imbalances
Chapter 4: Foreign Exchange Markets and Rates of Return
4.1 The Forex: Participants and Objectives
4.2 Exchange Rate: Definitions
4.3 Calculating Rate of Returns on International Investments
4.4 Interpretation of the Rate of Return Formula
4.5 Applying the Rate of Return Formulas
Chapter 5: Interest Rate Parity
5.1 Overview of Interest Rate Parity
5.2 Comparative Statics in the IRP Theory
5.3 Forex Equilibrium with the Rate of Return Diagram
5.4 Exchange Rate Equilibrium Stories with the RoR Diagram
5.5 Exchange Rate Effects of Changes in U.S. Interest Rates Using the RoR Diagram
5.6 Exchange Rate Effects of Changes in Foreign Interest Rates Using the RoR Diagram
5.7 Exchange Rate Effects of Changes in the Expected Exchange Rate Using the RoR Diagram
Chapter 6: Purchasing Power Parity
6.1 Overview of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
6.2 The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and PPP
6.3 PPP as a Theory of Exchange Rate Determination
6.4 Problems and Extensions of PPP
6.5 PPP in the Long Run
6.6 Overvaluation and Undervaluation
6.7 PPP and Cross-Country Comparisons
Chapter 7: Interest Rate Determination
7.1 Overview of Interest Rate Determination
7.2 Some Preliminaries
7.3 What Is Money?
7.4 Money Supply Measures
7.5 Controlling the Money Supply
7.6 Money Demand
7.7 Money Functions and Equilibrium
7.8 Money Market Equilibrium Stories
7.9 Effects of a Money Supply Increase
7.10 Effect of a Price Level Increase (Inflation) on Interest Rates
7.11 Effect of a Real GDP Increase (Economic Growth) on Interest Rates
7.12 Integrating the Money Market and the Foreign Exchange Markets
7.13 Comparative Statics in the Combined Money-Forex Model
7.14 Money Supply and Long-Run Prices
Chapter 8: National Output Determination
8.1 Overview of National Output Determination
8.2 Aggregate Demand for Goods and Services
8.3 Consumption Demand
8.4 Investment Demand
8.5 Government Demand
8.6 Export and Import Demand
8.7 The Aggregate Demand Function
8.8 The Keynesian Cross Diagram
8.9 Goods and Services Market Equilibrium Stories
8.10 Effect of an Increase in Government Demand on Real GNP
8.11 Effect of an Increase in the U.S. Dollar Value on Real GNP
8.12 The J-Curve Effect
Chapter 9: The AA-DD Model
9.1 Overview of the AA-DD Model
9.2 Derivation of the DD Curve
9.3 Shifting the DD Curve
9.4 Derivation of the AA Curve
9.5 Shifting the AA Curve
9.6 Superequilibrium: Combining DD and AA
9.7 Adjustment to the Superequilibrium
9.8 AA-DD and the Current Account Balance
Chapter 10: Policy Effects with Floating Exchange Rates
10.1 Overview of Policy with Floating Exchange Rates
10.2 Monetary Policy with Floating Exchange Rates
10.3 Fiscal Policy with Floating Exchange Rates
10.4 Expansionary Monetary Policy with Floating Exchange Rates in the Long Run
10.5 Foreign Exchange Interventions with Floating Exchange Rates
Chapter 11: Fixed Exchange Rates
11.1 Overview of Fixed Exchange Rates
11.2 Fixed Exchange Rate Systems
11.3 Interest Rate Parity with Fixed Exchange Rates
11.4 Central Bank Intervention with Fixed Exchange Rates
11.5 Balance of Payments Deficits and Surpluses
11.6 Black Markets
Chapter 12: Policy Effects with Fixed Exchange Rates
12.1 Overview of Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates
12.2 Monetary Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates
12.3 Fiscal Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates
12.4 Exchange Rate Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates
12.5 Reserve Country Monetary Policy under Fixed Exchange Rates
12.6 Currency Crises and Capital Flight
12.7 Case Study: The Breakup of the Bretton Woods System, 1973
Chapter 13: Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates
13.1 Overview of Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates
13.2 Exchange Rate Volatility and Risk
13.3 Inflationary Consequences of Exchange Rate Systems
13.4 Monetary Autonomy and Exchange Rate Systems
13.5 Which Is Better: Fixed or Floating Exchange Rates?
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