Oxford University Press
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 2: The Cold War c1945-1991
Sally Waller, John Aldred, A Mamaux
Oxford AQA History: A Level and AS Component 2: The Cold War c1945-1991
US$ 39.00
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Retaining well-loved features from the previous editions,The Cold War has been approved by AQA and matched to the new 2015 specification. This textbook explores in depth the evolving course of international relations during an era of tension between communist and capitalist powers. It focuses on key ideas such as communism and anti-communism, aggression and détente, and the power of nuclear technology, and covers events and developments with precision. Students can further develop vital skills such as historical interpretations and source analyses via specially selected sources and extracts. Practice questions and study tips provide additional support to help familiarize students with the new exam style questions, and help them achieve their best in the exam.

Front Cover
Title Page
Introduction to features
AQA History specification overview
Introduction to the Oxford AQA History series
Introduction to this book
Part One To the brink of Nuclear War: international relations, c1945–1963
1 The Origins of the Cold War,c1945–1949
1 US, British and USSR relations in 1945
2 Developing tensions up to 1948
3 The USA’s involvement in Europe
4 Conflict over Germany, 1947–49
2 The Widening of the Cold War,1949–1955
5 US containment in action in Asia
6 The Korean War, 1950–53
7 Increasing Cold War tensions
8 Alliances and shifts
3 The Global War, 1955–1963
9 Khrushchev and East–West relations,1955–60
10 Cold War rivalries, 1955–63
11 Conflict in Asia: 1955–63
12 Confrontation between the superpowers
Part One From détente to the end of the Cold War, c1963–1991
4 Confrontation and cooperation,c1963–1972
13 Confrontation in the Vietnam War
14 President Nixon’s policies in Vietnam
15 Cooperation
16 Pressures on the USSR
5 The Brezhnev era, 1972–1985
17 The USA and Southeast Asia
18 The extent of détente up to 1979
19 The Second Cold War
20 Developments in Africa and the Americas
6 The ending of the Cold War,1985–1991
21 Gorbachev and the ending of the Cold War
22 The summits between the USA and the USSR
23 The collapse of communism in the Eastern European satellite states
24 The ending of Cold War tensions
Back Cover
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