The University of the West Indies Press
Neither Led Nor Driven: Contesting British Cultural Imperialism in Jamaica 1865-1920
Brian L. Moore, Michele A. Johnson
Neither Led Nor Driven: Contesting British Cultural Imperialism in Jamaica 1865-1920
US$ 9.99
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An examination of the cultural evolution of the Jamaican people after the explosive uprising at Morant Bay in 1865. For the first time, the specific methods used by British imperial legislators to inculcate order, control and identity in the local society are described and analysed. The authors compellingly and convincingly demontrate that Great Britain deliberately built a new society in Jamaica founded on principles of Victorian Christian morality and British Imperial ideology. This resulted in a sustained attack on everything that was perceived to be of African origin and the glorification of Christian piety, Victorian mores, and a Eurocentric idealized family life and social hierarchies. This well-written and meticulously researched book will be invaluable for students of the period and those interested in Jamaican history and/or imperial history

1. In the Shadow of Morant Bay: Jamaica, 1865–1920
2. Afro-Creole Belief System I: Obeah, Duppies and Other “Dark Superstitions”
3. Afro-Creole Belief System II: Folk Religions
4. Sex, Marriage and Family: Attitudes and Policies
5. “Manners Maketh (Wo)Man”: Transforming the Jamaican Character
6. Christianizing Jamaica: The Quest for a Moral Culture
7. Schooling for God and Empire: The Ideology of Colonial Education
8. Proselytizing the Asian Immigrants
9. The Cult of Monarchy and Empire: Moulding British Colonial Subjects
10. Britannica versus “Africana”: Contestation and Negotiation
Appendix 1. Governors of Jamaica, 1864–1920
Appendix 2. Population Statistics, 1861–1920
Appendix 3. Legal Marriages, 1879–1920
Appendix 4. “Illegitimate” Births, 1878–1920
Appendix 5. Education Statistics
Appendix 6. Conversion Statistics of Indian Immigrants
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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