The Prime Minister
I: Ferdinand Lopez
II: Everett Wharton
III: Mr. Abel Wharton, Q.C.
IV: Mrs. Roby
V: “No One Knows Anything About Him”
VI: An Old Friend Goes to Windsor
VII: Another Old Friend
VIII: The Beginning of a New Career
IX: Mrs. Dick’s Dinner Party.—No. I
X: Mrs. Dick’s Dinner Party.—No. II
XI: Carlton Terrace
XII: The Gathering of Clouds
XIII: Mr. Wharton Complains
XIV: A Lover’s Perseverance
XV: Arthur Fletcher
XVI: Never Run Away!
XVII: Goodbye
XVIII: The Duke of Omnium Thinks of Himself
XIX: Vulgarity
XX: Sir Orlando’s Policy
XXI: The Duchess’s New Swan
XXII: St. James’s Park
XXIII: Surrender
XXIV: The Marriage
XXV: The Beginning of the Honeymoon
XXVI: The End of the Honeymoon
XXVII: The Duke’s Misery
XXVIII: The Duchess Is Much Troubled
XXIX: The Two Candidates for Silverbridge
XXX: “Yes;—A Lie!”
XXXI: “Yes;—with a Horsewhip in My Hand”
XXXII: “What Business Is It of Yours?”
XXXIII: Showing That a Man Should Not Howl
XXXIV: The Silverbridge Election
XXXV: Lopez Back in London
XXXVI: The Jolly Blackbird
XXXVII: The Horns
XXXVIII: Sir Orlando Retires
XXXIX: “Get Round Him”
XL: “Come and Try It”
XLI: The Value of a Thick Skin
XLII: Retribution
XLIII: Kauri Gum
XLIV: Mr. Wharton Intends to Make a New Will
XLV: Mrs. Sexty Parker
XLVI: “He Wants to Get Rich Too Quick”
XLVII: As for Love!
XLVIII: “Has He Ill-Treated You?”
XLIX: “Where Is Guatemala?”
L: Mr. Slide’s Revenge
LI: Coddling the Prime Minister
LII: “I Can Sleep Here Tonight, I Suppose?”
LIII: Mr. Hartlepod
LIV: Lizzie
LV: Mrs. Parker’s Sorrows
LVI: What the Duchess Thought of Her Husband
LVII: The Explanation
LVIII: “Quite Settled”
LIX: “The First and the Last”
LX: The Tenway Junction
LXI: The Widow and Her Friends
LXII: Phineas Finn Has a Book to Read
LXIII: The Duchess and Her Friend
LXIV: The New K.G.
LXV: “There Must Be Time”
LXVI: The End of the Session
LXVII: Mrs. Lopez Prepares to Move
LXVIII: The Prime Minister’s Political Creed
LXIX: Mrs. Parker’s Fate
LXX: At Wharton
LXXI: The Ladies at Longbarns Doubt
LXXII: “He Thinks That Our Days Are Numbered”
LXXIII: Only the Duke of Omnium
LXXIV: “I Am Disgraced and Shamed”
LXXV: The Great Wharton Alliance
LXXVI: Who Will It Be?
LXXVII: The Duchess in Manchester Square
LXXVIII: The New Ministry
LXXIX: The Wharton Wedding
LXXX: The Last Meeting at Matching
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