Oxford University Press
KS3 History 4th Edition: Invasion, Plague and Murder: Britain 1066-1558 eBook 1
Aaron Wilkes
KS3 History 4th Edition: Invasion, Plague and Murder: Britain 1066-1558 eBook 1
US$ 28.20
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The new fourth eBook edition of Invasion, Plague and Murder is Book 1 of the best-selling Oxford KS3 History by Aaron Wilkes series. It covers medieval and early Tudor British history, including Anglo-Saxon England, the Norman Conquest, England's relationship with Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France, medicine and public health, religion and political power.

This e-textbook introduces the history content and skills needed to support a coherent knowledge-rich curriculum, prepares students for success in Key Stage 3 History, and builds solid foundations for GCSE study:

- Carefully designed content and assessments support student progression throughout the textbook series
- Historical sources and interpretations are presented with clear provenances
- Over to you activities for every lesson check students' knowledge and understanding, and are ramped in difficulty to build confidence
- Step-by-step guidance on key History skills provides scaffolding to introduce students to the skills needed for further study
- Literacy focus feature helps improve students' essay writing skills and grammar
- Complete assessment support, including quick knowledge quizzes and exam-style assessments
- This book retains Aaron Wilkes' unique and engaging style, shown in recent research to inspire and motivate young historians
- Invasion, Plague and Murder Kerboodle: Lessons, Resources, Assessment offers a digital subscription packed full of customisable interactives, worksheets, animations and automarked assessments.

Introducing KS3 History Fourth Edition
What is chronology?
Timeline from 1066 to 1558
Chapter 1: 1066 and all that
1.1A The story of Britain up to 1066
1.1B The story of Britain up to 1066
1.2A Before 1066: Anglo-Saxon England
1.2B Before 1066: Anglo-Saxon England
1.3 Who will be the next King of England?
1.4 Round 1: the Battle of Stamford Bridge
1.5 Match of the day: weapons and battle tactics
1.6 Round 2: the Battle of Hastings
1.7 History Mystery: How did King Harold die?
1 Have you been learning?
History skill: Write a narrative account (causation)
Assessment: Write a narrative account (causation)
Chapter 2: The Norman Conquest
2.1A The conquest of England
2.1B The conquest of England
2.2 William the castle builder
2.3 The Domesday Book
2.4 The feudal system: who’s the boss?
2.5 How did life change under the Normans?
2 Have you been learning?
History skill: Interpretation analysis
Assessment: Interpretation analysis
Chapter 3: How religious were people in the Middle Ages?
3.1 Religious beliefs
3.2A A day in the lives of monks and nuns
3.2B A day in the lives of monks and nuns
3.3 What were the Wars of the Cross?
3.4 Cuthbert the Crusader
3.5 Chronicles of the Crusades
3.6 What was the impact of the Crusades?
3 Have you been learning?
3 History skill: Significance
Assessment: Significance
Chapter 4: Life in the Middle Ages
4.1A How did castles develop?
4.1B How did castles develop?
4.2A Who’s who in a castle?
4.2B Who’s who in a castle?
4.3A The siege of Rochester Castle
4.3B The siege of Rochester Castle
4.4A What was life like in a medieval village?
4.4B What was life like in a medieval village?
4.5A What was life like in a medieval town?
4.5B What was life like in a medieval town?
4.6 Could you have fun in the Middle Ages?
4.7 Has football changed much since the Middle Ages?
4.8 The story of the English language
4.9 Medieval Masterchef
4.10 Knight life
4.11 Welcome to the tournament
4.12 Enough of history: what about herstory?
4.13 Matilda: the forgotten queen
4 Have you been learning?
History skill: Similarity and difference
Assessment: Similarity and difference
Chapter 5: Power in the Middle Ages
5.1A Crown vs Church: Murder in the cathedral
5.1B Crown vs Church: Murder in the cathedral
5.2 King John: Magna Carta man
5.3A Where did our Parliament come from?
5.3B Where did our Parliament come from?
5.4 Why were peasants so angry in 1381?
5.5A Power to the people
5.5B Power to the people
5.6 Keeping law and order
5.7 Trial and punishment
5 Have you been learning?
History skill: Consequences
Assessment: Consequences
Chapter 6: Health and medicine
6.1 How smelly were the Middle Ages?
6.2A The Black Death: we’re all going to die!
6.2B The Black Death: we’re all going to die!
6.3 How deadly was the Black Death?
6.4A Who healed the sick in the Middle Ages?
6.4B Who healed the sick in the Middle Ages?
6.5 Was it dangerous to be the king or queen?
6 Have you been learning?
History skill: Source analysis
Assessment: Source analysis
Chapter 7: England at war
7.1 England and its neighbours: Wales
7.2 England and its neighbours: Scotland
7.3 England and its neighbours: Ireland
7.4A England and its neighbours: France
7.4B England and its neighbours: France
7.5 Joan of Arc: the teenage girl who led an army
7.6 Choose your weapons!
7.7A What were the Wars of the Roses?
7.7B What were the Wars of the Roses?
7.8 History Mystery: The Princes in the Tower
7 Have you been learning?
History skill: Causation
Assessment: Causation
Chapter 8: Here come the Tudors
8.1 Was King Henry VII a gangster?
8.2 What was young Henry VIII like?
8.3 Henry VIII, his first wife and his big problem
8.4 What did Protestants protest about?
8.5 Who’d want to marry King Henry VIII?
8.6 Edward VI: the boy king
8.7 How bloody was Bloody Mary?
8 Have you been learning?
History skill: Making inferences (source analysis)
Assessment: Making inferences (source analysis)
Chapter 9: Medieval Britain: what changed?
9.1A A world of discovery
9.1B A world of discovery
9.2A What was Britain like by 1558?
9.2B What was Britain like by 1558?
9 Have you been learning?
9 History skill: Change and continuity
9 Assessment: Change and continuity
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