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Solid Waste Management: Critical Issues for Developing Countries
Elizabeth Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope
Solid Waste Management: Critical Issues for Developing Countries
CC Vol 1 Iss 1 & 2 | Reflecting on the Future of the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) with Lenses from the Past
J. Edward Greene, Compton Bourne, Carole Boyce-Davies, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner, Jorge Heine
CC Vol 1 Iss 1 & 2 | Reflecting on the Future of the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) with Lenses from the Past
Derek Walcott
Edward Baugh
Derek Walcott
Beryl McBurnie
Judy Raymond
Beryl McBurnie
Una Marson
Lisa Tomlinson
Una Marson
Caribbean Integration: Uncertainty in a Time of Global Fragmentation
Patsy Lewis, Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts, Jessica Byron-Reid
Caribbean Integration: Uncertainty in a Time of Global Fragmentation
Shabine and Other Stories
Hazel Simmonds-McDonald
Shabine and Other Stories
Each One Teach One
Saran Stewart, Sharline Cole and Yewande Lewis-Fokum
Each One Teach One
Trade and Development Issues in CARICOM: Key Considerations for Navigating Development
Roger Hosein, Anthony Gonzales, Ranita Seecharan, Rebecca Gookool-Bosland
Trade and Development Issues in CARICOM: Key Considerations for Navigating Development
Gods of Bruising
Dara Wilkinson Bobb
Gods of Bruising
Essays on the Theory of Plantation Economy
Lloyd Best, Kari Levitt
Essays on the Theory of Plantation Economy
A Return to Roots: "CuBajans" in Barbados
Sharon Milagro Marshall
A Return to Roots: "CuBajans" in Barbados
Plantation Coffee in Jamaica 1790-1848
Kathleen E. A. Monteith
Plantation Coffee in Jamaica 1790-1848
Citizenship Under Pressure
Rachel L. Mordecai
Citizenship Under Pressure